#sons2024: The national event of Spain
The “Ciencia en Acción” (Science in Action) event is an Ibero-American Science Outreach Contest. This year it was held in Viladecans, Barcelona, from 27 to 29 October 2023. A total of 85 projects, previously selected in July, moved on to the on-site final. In this phase, more than 350 participants, including teachers and students from 7 different countries of the Ibero-American area, passionately presented their projects to the jury on 28 October.
The projects covered a wide range of scientific topics, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, and STEAM, among other disciplines. The jury, composed of representatives from scientific institutes and societies in Spain, was impressed by the quality of the proposals and awarded a total of 16 honourable mentions and 18 first prizes, some of which were ex aequo, to Spanish teams.
The event was not only a space for scientific competition, but also an opportunity for dissemination and education. Scientific shows, workshops, and conferences enriched the experience of both the participants and the general public who joined this weekend full of learning and fun.
Currently, the “Ciencia en Acción” scientific committee is immersed in the deliberation stage to select the projects that will have the honour of representing Spain in “Science on Stage”
Report: Joana Pastor

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