Our Positions and Goals
The non-profit educational initiative Science on Stage is the leading network for STEM teachers in Europe: For 20 years we have been offering teachers a platform for personal exchange and the opportunity for cooperation projects across borders.
We work unbureaucratic, effective and sustainable. Read here what our positions and goals are.

Improvement of the quality of science teaching
A key to make students capable of dealing with challenges of tomorrow is a motivated and skilled teaching staff.
That's why Science on Stage supports the professional development of STEM teachers through trainings, exchange programs and the Science on Stage Festival. In this way, they can acquire new skills they can use practically in their classes.
Additionally teachers should not only communicate their expert knowledge to the students but help them gain various soft skills such as problem solving and team work Science on Stage presents practical examples of how this can be managed despite restrictive curriculum demands via workshops all across Europe.
At the workshops, teachers learn how to gain more autonomy in their lesson planning by testing alternative teaching methods and working together with colleagues on interdisciplinary topics.
Appreciation for the teaching profession - value their work
Science on Stage focuses on the teacher. Following the principle ‘from teachers for teachers’ we see them as experts, whose views are important.
We support them by giving their ideas a platform and thus strengthen their confidence. In addition, we highlight our teachers’ commitment to the public and local communities in which they reside through intensive public relations work.
In this way we want to give the teaching profession a stronger social standing.
Networking of teachers
At Science on Stage, teachers become "team players" instead of "lone fighters".
With our activities we support a feedback culture among teachers, which extends into everyday school life and encourages colleagues to exchange ideas and network. Science on Stage is member in several EU projects, such as the EU STEM Coalition or Path2Integrity.
All National Steering Committees, representing the member countries of Science on Stage Europe, have signed the following diversity statement. They are committed to the values set out in it, whilst respecting the different backgrounds of the individual teachers involved in their national and all international activities.
"Science on Stage Europe is an independent non-profit association. Our goal is to improve STEM teaching by inspiring and supporting educators in their professional development and growth. We wish to build a thriving, diverse science teaching community. Our network of 34 member countries represents different nations, religions, genders, ages, and backgrounds. We believe in the principles of diversity, democracy, and inclusion. We are against any kind of discrimination based on sex, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth disability, age or sexual orientation."
Contact us

Chair of Science on Stage Europe
Stefanie Schlunk