Science on Stage festival 2022
The 12th European Science on Stage festival took place from 24-27 March 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic.
At the largest European educational fair for STEM teachers around 350 primary and secondary school teachers from over 30 countries came together to exchange best practice teaching concepts.
They presented their most innovative ideas from teachers for teachers in a fair, in workshops, and in performances.
Find more information on this event here:

All primary and secondary school teachers presented their projects and experiments at stands in an exhibition, called fair. It is the main element of the festival. Other projects, selected by the programme committee of the festival, will be additionally presented in the categories 'Workshop' and 'On Stage Activities'.
All participants present their projects and experiments at stands in an exhibition. The fair is the main element of the festival.
Workshops (50 minutes)
Interactive hands-on sessions from teachers for teachers to work together to learn and practice new skills.
On Stage Activities (10 minutes)
Participants show their teaching projects and experiments on stage
Europe's best STEM teaching project
At the festival, the international jury selected the best projects and awarded the European STEM Teacher Award to the teachers. In this selection process, the recommendations for the best projects of the Nationals Steering Committees were taken into account.
These are the winners!
In the category "Collaboration in STEM Education":
How long does it take to "cook yourself in a closed car" - Miroslav Panoš and Kateřina Vágnerová, Czech Republic
In the category "Diversity in STEM Education":
Dizziness from the windmill - Gabriela Pluciak, Poland
In the category "Joint Project":
Limonene/limoneno - Francesca Butturini, Italy and Javier Julian Fernandez, Spain
In the category "Science for the Youngest":
Astrobiology: a new tool to engage primary school students into science - Dr. Juan Antonio Prieto Sanchez and Maria Pilar Orozco Saenz, Spain
In the category "STEM with Arts":
Create and code your own artful cardboard robot (artful cardboard-bot) - Jan Günther, Maria Hellmann, Julia Trummheller, Germany
In the category "Sustainable Development Goals in Education":
Food for the 21st century, making a difference - Emma Crisell, United Kingdom
In the category "Technologies in STEM Education":
"Defying" Gravity! - Dr Georgios Chatzisavvas and Kalliopi Giannakoudaki, Greece

Highly commended
In the category "Science for the Youngest":
ENERGY + STRENGTH = BIRDIE - Véronique Corbeil and Geneviève Lapointe-Larouche, Canada
Nature Answers - Rute Oliveira and Teresa Reis, Portugal
In the category "Sustainable Development Goals in Education":
Tree Trails - Prof Chiara Colucci and Alberto Conte, Italy
In the category "Technologies in STEM Education":
Centrifugal Force Awakens /spinning pendulum - Anastasios Iona, Cyprus
In the category "Diversity in STEM Education":
Eggs - Milan Chalupník, Czech Republic
In the category "STEM with Arts":
Manufacture of drawing charcoal - Maikku Aho and Teija Lauronen, Finland
In the category "Joint Project":
Space exploration from small scale to large scale - Carolina Clavijo Aumont, Spain and Canada

Application criteria and jury
The teachers taking part in our festival were selected by the National Steering Committee in their country. Those teachers present their project in a stand in the fair.
The ideal Science on Stage project
- promotes students interest in science,
- refers to everyday life,
- has a sustainable effect,
- is feasible in everyday school life and can be financed with reasonable expenses,
- promotes inquiry-based learning.
Teachers who present additionally their projects in a workshop or on stage performance were selected by the international festival jury, which consisted of science teachers, educators or representatives from ministries or universities. All board members of Science on Stage Europe were also involved.
Under the patronage of Mariya Gabriel, Member of the European Commission
Contact us

Johanna Schulze

Press Officer
Marika Philippsen