Jörg Gutschank

Write an emailJörg Gutschank teaches physics, mathematics and robotics at Leibniz Gymnasium | Dortmund International School.He found his vocation as a teacher in a roundabout way: he studied and did his doctorate in physics in Dortmund and Galway. He also worked as a trainer in a children's circus.
Together with Marcus Weber, a physicist friend, he decided to bring science and his hobby together. At the European festival 'Physics on Stage' in Geneva in 2000, they presented a physics show with interactive experiments - the birth of the 'Physikanten & Co'. In 2004, Jörg Gutschank switched to teaching. He has been involved with Science on Stage since the beginning of the initiative with 'Physics on Stage'.
What does it mean to you to be a teacher?
I touch the future: I teach. (Quote)
What does Science on Stage mean for you - in 3 words?
From European colleagues
Why should teachers participate?
Because it is a lot of fun to work together with teachers from other countries and to exchange ideas, and because this is exactly the reason why our own teaching becomes better.
Involvement in Science on Stage:
Participant 'Physics on Stage' 2000, participant 'Science on Stage Festival' 2008, participant 'Teaching Science in Europe 2 and 3', main coordinator in the publication series 'iStage 1, 2 and 3', jury member at national and international festivals, chairman of the board since 2015.
Further involvement:
Jury member at the Jugend forscht regional competition Dortmund and member of the DPG.
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