Liliana Fernandes

Liliana Fernandes is a primary school teacher at Agrupamento de Escolas de Alberto Sampaio in Portugal. She also teaches English and runs the local robotics club for primary school students. She participated in three European festivals - 2015 in London, 2017 in Debrecen and 2019 in Cascais. She developed joint projects with colleagues from France and Spain, which were very successful among students.
She also worked on the brochure "Coding in STEM Education", by designing a unit along with two other colleagues. This unit "How water works" has been selected as one of the national top 3 in the category "Introducing Coding and Robotics“ at the "CPR - Concurso 2019". This national coding event is organised by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
More about Liliana Fernandes
What does it mean to you to be a teacher?
Being a teacher means to be able to build the future with our little ones. It is an awesome opportunity to learn and share...
Describe Science on Stage in three words.
Support, sharing, friendship
How did you get involved with Science on Stage?
I got an invitation from a colleague from our NSC, to apply to the London festival with a project for primary school students. I was selected for our National festival and was able to attend the European Festival 2015. It was such a rewarding and fulfilling experience, that I kept on learning and sharing projects with colleagues around Europe.
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