Teachers as the key to the future: Why the teaching profession is irreplaceable

Appreciation and thanks to all teachers
Teachers play a crucial role in our society. They accompany young people on their path of learning and personal development, impart knowledge and promote understanding of the world. To mark ‘World Teachers’ Day’ on 5 October, we dedicate this page to all teachers and show what they achieve, how important they are and what motivates them in their profession.
The role of teachers from the students' perspective
In our Europe-wide ‘Future League’ competition, student Dafni from Greece and her team took first place. In this interview, she talks about the important role her STEM teachers play. Dafni intends to study engineering after school and told us that her teachers were a decisive factor in her decision.
The World Teachers' Day is celebrated every year on October 5th to honor teachers worldwide. It marks the anniversary of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Teachers, which laid out important guidelines for teachers' rights and responsibilities, as well as standards for their training, hiring, and working conditions. Learn more here.
Why I became a Teacher
We asked the STEM teachers who took part in the last European Festival what they love about their job:

Science on Stage would like to thank all teachers for their commitment! With our work, we want to help to promote motivation for the teaching profession!