Smart Astronomers: Using smartphones for parallax measurements in the universe

The distances of planets, stars, galaxies and other objects seem unreal to most students. But using parallax measurements even such great distances can be determinded. In the teaching unit ‘Smart Astronomers’ the students use their smartphones to think themselves from the classroom to the sky.
This teaching unit is best suited for teenager between 14 and 18 years, for certain knowledge in physics, astronomy, mathematics, geometry and trigonometry is presumed.
Autohors: Pere Compte (ES), Immacolata Ercolino (IT), Philippe Jeanjacquot (FR), Gerhard Rath (AT), Corina Toma (RO) | Hg. Science on Stage Deutschland e.V. | Lizenz: Creative Commons
Teaching Materials
Smart astronomers from the classroom to the sky
Download FileClevere Astronomen - Mit dem Smartphone vom Klassenzimmer ins Weltall - DE
Download FileThis unit is from: Smartphones in Science Teaching
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