Primary School, Secondary School

Future League

Science on Stage Germany called for teaching projects implementing one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in STEM lessons. Teams from all over Europe applied with their innovative ideas, and an international jury selected the ten finalist teams. The finalists' exciting classroom projects will  be presented at the final event in Berlin at the end of November.


© Science on Stage

Virtual Greetings by Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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  • Creativity
  • Involvement of the students
  • Integration of the environment (school, city, region)
  • Innovation and presentation of the results
  • Incorporation of the approach of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

What prizes did the teams get?

  • For teachers: participation in the European Science on Stage festival from 12-15 August 2024 in Finland.
  • For students: a surprise

The Future League is a project by Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.

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